1. Be aware that you can only receove 2 offers from KKIK and then your application will be automatically deleted. If you don't accept an offer, it is considered as a rejection.
2. When you accept an offer your application is automatically deleted as you are no longer considered as being in need of accommodation.
3. If you reject the 1st offer from us, your application will be in a quarantine for 4 weeks where you cannot receive any offers for housing.
Read more at the bottom of the page. (offer)
Exchange students must be students in Copenhagen for at least two semesters in order to apply for housing in the dorms located in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg.
- PhD students and Green card holders are not accepted as applicants at KKIK.
- Students in the international programmes offered by Niels Brock are not accepted as applicants at KKIK as the programmes are not approved by the Danish state.
- Students enrolled outside the Copenhagen area can only apply for dorms located in Søborg, Ballerup, Albertslund and Hvidovre.
In general you have to be a student for at least one more year on the day you move in at most of our places.
You must be a student at a school located in the Copenhagen area in order to apply for housing through KKIK. The Copenhagen area includes Køge, Roskilde, Ballerup, Lyngby and Hillerød.
Your education must be eligible for the Danish SU or you must be a trainee.
You can always see your rank on the waiting list, but be aware that this can periodically vary a lot, and you may experience going up as well as down on the list several times. This is due to the fact that people sign op every day, especially during pre-term periods. Some applicants get more points than others, due to for instance distance or present housing conditions.
Furthermore, it may occur that you, (even if you're number one on the list) will be chosen as number two or three. This is caused by the individual student- and youth accommodation organization's specific rules, which might include specific regulations on distribution of sexes in a hall.
Below you can read more about: the way the nomination system works, the points given, distancepoints; your possibility of being both actively and passively waiting and why it is important that your details are kept up to date , as well as what to do when being offered accommodation .
The construction of the nomination system
The nomination system works on two levels. The first preceedes the second. This means that when a tenancy is available, the nomination system first looks at level one to see if there are any applicants, and if there are none the system looks at the second level.
- Internal waiting list; residents who wish to move internally within the student- or youth accommodation, where the applicant already lives.
- External applicants; applicants who want to move to a KKIK accommodation. The criteria the nomination system takes in to consideration, as well as what importance is attached to the different criteria is described below.
Points system
Point |
1. |
Housing conditions |
a |
Homeless |
8 |
b |
Given notice to terminate a tenancy
Temporary housing
c |
Termination of cohabitation |
8 |
d |
Living at home |
3 |
e |
(see the points system below) |
0-8 |
The further away you live, the more points you receive. |
0 |
Roskilde amt, Københavns amt, Frederiksborg amt, Københavns kommune, Frederiksberg Kommune, Øresundsregionen* |
5 |
Vestsjællands Amt, Fyns Amt & Storstrøms Amt (not including Lolland, Falster & Møn) |
8 |
Jyske Amter, Bornholm, Lolland, Falster, Møn, Færøerne, Grønland & foreign countries. |
a, b, c and d exclude each other. Homeless excludes Distance. |
* |
Øresunds region
Applicants from the area covered by the Øresunds co-operation among the more advanced studies. |
If you sublease a room at a KKIK dorm, you must choose temporary housing. |
2. |
Family conditions |
a |
Pregnant |
4 |
b |
Children - points for every child |
4 |
3. |
Special conditions |
1-4 |
These points are given manually from an individual evaluation. KKIK can evaluate, that there is a special case, which justifies that the applicant is moved forward in the waiting list. Documentation has to be uploaded to the application. |
4. |
KKIK points |
4 |
Given to applicants already living in a KKIK accommodation. |
It is only possible to get a total of 8 points for housing conditions + distance.
As an active applicant (active / passive status - see below), you earn points on a running basis. One month's seniority gives one point.
You must upload studentdocumentation to your application. Valid documentation is a confirmation of enrollment, acceptance letter, trainee contract etc.
Studentcard is NOT valid documentation.
Active/passive status
As an applicant it is possible to be passive in the list for up to one year. This means that you can make an application 1 year before your desired date of occupation. Your application will become active on your desired date of occupation, and you will start earning 1 point for each month you are in the list.
You will not earn any points while your application is passive. This means that you will move backwards in the waiting list, as active applicants earn points and will move forward in the waiting list.
You will still have to renew your application every month while you are passive.
If you wish to be passive after your desired date of occupation, you have to send an email to KKIK and inform of the reason. In most cases we will be able to change your desired date of occupation.
Up to date information
All the information you give in your application has to be up to date. This means that if you after having signed up become pregnant, and then add this to your application, you will be given points for this. However the distance points won't be changed if you move, i.e. your points won't go down if you move from Jylland to Sjælland. The KKIK opinion is that people from areas far from the place of education aren't as likely to have a well-developed network of acquaintances. The applicant's current residence can only be changed within the first 24 hours, after which this is "locked" (non accessible). If you move after signing up you must fill out the "c/o adress".
When you receive an offer for an accommodation, it is important that you respond to it.
If you reject an offer or don't reply, you will automatically become passive and cannot receive any offers for 4 weeks.
NB! Not replying is considered as a rejection of an offer.
After 4 weeks your profile will automatically become active again. You do have the right to turn down an offer but you can only get two offers from KKIK. If you turn down your second offer your application will be deleted. This is due to the fact, that many students are in need of accommodation, and if you turn down two offers, we assume that your need isn't vital.
Please notice that the response time for offers is 2 days.
When you accept an offer and receive a contract from KKIK your profile will automatically be deleted. Hereafter it is possible to create a new profile, and from this apply internally to other KKIK accommodations. You will be given four points for already living in a KKIK accommodation.
Applicants who live in a KKIK accommodation, and subsequently apply for other KKIK accommodations will loose the points given for an internal move, should they leave the KKIK accommodation.