At the moment we can see that a lot of our applicants didn't upload studentdocumentation in their application.
You must upload valid documentation as soon as you make your application.
Your application will be deleted if the documentation is missing.

If a visa and residence permit is required for you to live here, you must also upload this to your application.

Valid documentation is a confirmation of enrolment from your school, a trainee contract or an updated plan of your lessons if you are in VUC.
The documentation must confirm the start of your study according to the date you put in your application, so if your application says that you began your studies in August 2022, then the documentation must confirm this.

If you made an application with a startdate for your study, but the startdate has been moved to the next year, then your application must be deleted as it is no longer valid.

NB!!! YOUR DOCUMENTATION CANNOT BE MORE THAN 1 YEAR OLD. This means that you must upload a new confirmation of enrollment every year. 

It is important to follow the rule above, as we will delete the application once we notice that the dates are wrong, and it doesn't matter how long you have been in the waiting list or what your placement is.

Best regards,