IMPORTANT INFORMATION for foreign students

We are receiving a lot of e-mails from foreign students at the moment, asking us to push their application forward in the waitinglists.

KKIK follows the waitinglists and sending us e-mails regarding this will not make any difference.

The system automatically gives points to applicants who come from far away, but apart from that you don't get an advantage. 

Our best advice is that you apply for the dorms that have shorter waitinglists at the moment. We made a list of them here: Dorms with short waitinglists (

Also, please read our FAQ if you need to know why you can move both back- and forwards in the waitinglists.
You can find the FAQ here: FAQ ( 

One thing you can do to give yourself a better chance of getting housing this fall is to make sure that your desired date of occupation is the 1st or 15th of a month as we don't rent out on any other dates in a month. Your desired date of occupation can be up to 3 months before your studies begin.
Also, remember to upload documentation for being accepted in a study here, as you will not receive any offers for housing without it.

Please be aware that the following applies for all of our housing options:
1. There's always a deposit to be paid when you move into an accommodation. 
2. The move in date cannot be changed once you receive an offer.
3. Most of our accommodations are unfurnished - it will say in the description if a room is furnished - so you must furnish it yourself if you get a room. 

Best regards,