Better overview of your personal information with Kollegiernes Kontor I København.
From May 25th 2018 there’s a new legislation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) regarding how companies, organisations and the public communities inside the EU must handle personal information, which also affects you.
You’ll get a better overview
In short terms the new legislation means that all private persons get a better overview and control of the personal information that companies etc. have registered in their files. This means that it is even easier for you to
- get information about the personal information we have registered about you
- get information on how we use the information
- have the information updated
Which information do we have on you, and how do we use it?
The typical information we register is your name, adress, phoneno., e-mail adress and education, when you apply for housing with us. The information is used for giving you the best advice on which accommodations to apply for at KKIK and to offer you housing. The information that we have registered, is the same information that you can see when you are logged into your profile. KKIK will not keep any additional information on you.
Do you have to do anything
You don’t have to do anything regarding the new legislation, but if you want us to send you the information that we keep, you can send us an e-mail on and ask for it.
Best regards,
Kollegiernes Kontor I København